
Interested in advertising on The Framed Lady?

The Framed Lady's readers love DIY projects, food, pretty pictures, and unique giveaways.  Not only am I looking for sponsors to fit my readers interests, but I love backing and promoting strong brands (blogs and  shops) that fit the feel of my blog. 

If this is you, I would love to partner up!

I've made sponsoring easier for both of us! I use Passionfruit Ads, so the whole process is a lot simpler. Just purchase the desired ad size and after review and approval your button will be featured for 30 days! Ads will be approved on the first of the month. For any questions regarding advertising on The Framed Lady, send an email to 

Starting in September, I will only be offering up to two giveaways per month. Only sponsors with large ads will be eligible to run a giveaway. If you would like to reserve one of the limited giveaways, please submit your ad then email me with the subject line "GIVEAWAY." If you would like a product of yours to be featured, please email me with the subject line "FEATURE." I will only feature products that I can personally choose from your shop and that reflect my personal style. I will link to your product in one or more of my posts. If I would be reviewing your website instead of a product, purchase the "Feature Post" below (only for non-product reviews). 

Current Statistics as of September 25, 2013
10000+ monthly page views, and growing
An average of 400+ unique pageviews daily
3500+ subscribers via google reader, bloglovin, facebook, and twitter
All posts are listed via Google Reader, TwitterFacebook, Networked Blogs, and Blog Lovin

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