Sunday, July 7, 2013


...weeks pregnant. Six weeks to go.

With great difficulty, I shaved my legs for what I'm hoping is the last time during this pregnancy. I can legitimately no longer reach. You'll be seeing me at the salon, getting waxed for the last month-and-a-half!

This last week was so busy, and so is this coming week! I'm realizing that we'll have a ton of stuff to do as the baby's arrival gets closer. Not much downtime for me! Lots of birthing classes, house projects, eyelash appointments, and baby preparations!

I had a baby shower yesterday, and it was so fun. One of the cute little things we got were these plaid swim trunks, which was hilariously timed because my dad gave Conrad a pair of plaid shorts the day before. Matching baby and Daddy! I'm totally overwhelmed by how many people already love our little guy. I'm also really impressed with myself for finishing ALL the thank you notes in one day. Less to worry about later, I say!

Not much else to update as far as the pregnancy goes. I guess that means we've officially entered the "waiting" stage. I've been a touch more tired and a couple touches more emotional, but still pretty energetic and happy and feeling good. One thing that's different is I'm noticing that my fingers are fatter. I was able to wear my wedding ring until a day or two ago, and am still technically able to wear it, but it's hard to remove and I don't want it to get stuck, so I took it off while I was ahead of the game.

I went shopping with my mom - who recently won a fitness contest at her crossfit gym - and I realized how excited I am to be thin again and get into cute, normal, non-elastic clothes. I'm particularly excited to grab a pair of polka-dotted jeans.

Any advice for the last six weeks? I'm getting my hospital bag ready and I'd love suggestions on what to bring!


  1. You would look so adorable in polka dotted jeans :)

  2. is waxing okay while pregnant? i'm not saying this in a "giving you a hard time way" i've never waxed ever, (ive heard its SUPER painful) so idk if that'd be good or not? then again, i have the lowest pain tolerance ever so there's that.

    1. Yes, it's totally safe while pregnant. I have noticed that I'm more sensitive to pain since being pregnant though, and I think a lot of women are the same way. I've only had my legs done since I got pregnant - I haven't tried bikini. I think it's the same as when you're on your period and you're extra sensitive. Something about the hormones.

  3. Definitely get your hospital bag ready. I went into labor at 35 weeks and wasn't prepared at all! I thought I still had 4-5 weeks left!

    1. Oh wow! My mom went in 4 weeks early with me, too, so I should really get packing!

  4. You don't need as much at the hospital as you might think. Here is my post about it:

    I would add chapstick for during labor, if you think you'll need it. A camera. And you can take nursing pads off the list. I always bring them (all TWO times) but your boobs wont leak for a few days so you probably wont use them.


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