Thursday, April 18, 2013

Early babies

This is my brother Lane. He was born three and a half months early.

We were all early. My sister and I were both four weeks early, my brother Ryan was a week early, and then there was Lane, born at 24 weeks gestation. The picture above was taken two months after his birth. That is a two month old baby, and he is smaller than the average newborn.

I'm almost 23 weeks, and while I know everything has been fine with my pregnancy so far, I can't help but be a little worried that I make babies the way my mom did: slightly underdone (or extremely underdone). If I take after my mom as far as early labor, I could give birth next week. NEXT WEEK.

One thing that brings a little comfort is that if I do give birth early, I know my baby could survive. Here is Lane now.

But while part of me almost wishes I could meet my boy now, I don't want to see him for at least another 15 weeks!


  1. Wow! What a miracle that all is well with your brother! One of my friends just gave birth on April 5th but her little one's due date was June 30. He seems to be doing just fine, hoping for the best for you!! :)

    1. I can only imagine how scary it is to have a preemie baby! So far, the only time I feel contractions is if I'm dehydrated, so I'm pretty sure as long as I drink plenty of water, he'll stay in there until the time is right and it's a little safer for him to come out.

  2. Yeah, that could be a scary thought... I've been wondering things like that as well, like if I'll need to have c-sections because my mom did, or if I won't be able to breast feed because my mom couldn't. The good news is we aren't our moms, so hopefully things will be different for both of us!

    Kassi @ Truly Lovely

    1. Yes, hopefully! Honestly, I'd be totally grateful if he came a week or two early, but I definitely want a full term baby. Good luck to you!

  3. My friend and I were just talking about this. We both recently got married and its hard to decide when to start having kids because you never know if you're going to be that one girl who takes 5 years of trying to finally get pregnant, or if you're the one who makes "underdone" babies as you said.

    1. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to link early deliveries to genetics. Just because my mom had early babies doesn't mean I will. Hopefully, when the time is right, everything will go according to plan!


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