Saturday, October 20, 2012

A non-parent caring for a child

Conrad and I have been babysitting a six-year-old boy for the last 4 days. It's been an eye opener. Here are some things I've learned about children and motherhood.

+ Pull-Ups do not necessarily prevent pee from getting on the bed. They slightly lessen the amount that soaks  into the mattress.
+ It's hard to eat a bagel when you have a loose tooth.
+ If you ask "Did you brush your teeth?" and the answer is "yes," the answer is really "no."
+ If you ask "Did your Pull-Up leak?" and you hear silence, the answer is "yes."
+ Children are most underfoot when they have spilled soda all over a computer keyboard and you're trying to clean it up quickly. This is also when they request "steak."
+ Turn on Spongebob if you need alone time.
+ You may think your house is childproof, but it is absolutely not. You'd actually need to completely remodel to make it childproof.
+ When your husband is helping a six-year-old wash his hair, and you can hear the encouragement and instruction from the kitchen, it's pretty much the cutest thing.
+ Assembling a weight-set while the child is still awake is not a good idea. He will want to show you how much weight he can lift, and then he will want to show you how to take the screws out of the rack. It is just generally dangerous.
+ Waking up extra early to get the kid ready for school is worth it once the kid is at school. You get several hours of uninterrupted alone time.


  1. Child proofing is a weird thing. My house isn't really "child proof", but my daughter (1 1/2) is used to it so she doesn't bother with most of the dangerous/breakable stuff. The house where I nanny four other children is probably child proofed more, but Olivia can find more ways to make a mess or put her self in a dangerous situation. Go figure!

  2. I don't think I could watch someone elses kid for 4 days without going insane, haha. Kudos to you!

  3. Spongebob... so true. My place is definitely not child proof right now...
    New follower from Singledou[b]t, buy the way!
    Of Thoughts and Things

  4. Children are strange creatures. It seems like whenever I get baby fever I have some kind of moment like this that helps me to be excited for my future kids, but to be willing to wait for that for a long time ;)

  5. Very funny! As a grandparent I am rediscovering some of these points!

  6. haha. I love this! I have a 1 year old so I'm not sure about all the pull-ups stage but I can relate to a few of these...especially turning on cartoons when you need just a little bit of alone time...that's why I highly encourage not to let kids watch a lot of when they do they are glued to it for the short amount of time they get you time to cook dinner or whatever you need to get done. hahaha. newest follower! found ya from the giveaway over at Rock'n October!

  7. This cracks me up! New follower via GFC. Would love to have you follow me back!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations


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