The flu that tackled me the day after I got home from girl's camp
The extreme fatigue that comes from trying to keep up with twelve-year-old girls
The overdose of candy and the subsequent crash that also comes from trying to keep up with twelve-year-old girls
The grocery trip I had to take that I kept putting off
The cleaning and unpacking and laundry, which I also put off
Netflix, for enabling my procrastination with hours and hours of brain-mushing entertainment
The berry cobbler I made, then had a brief love affair with until it was no longer hot or fresh
The power outage which somehow only affected our street
The drive we went on during the outing to look at houses we can't afford
The dishes, which are now clean
The chinchilla, who so desperately wants my glasses when I put my face near his cage, and he reaches out with his little human-like hand and swats my forehead in an effort to retrieve them (a large portion of time was spent doing this)
The two or three episodes of Seinfeld which were watched with Conrad on the trundle bed
The beach on Saturday
So there you have it.
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