Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to subscribe for email notifications on blogs

I had a couple readers this week ask me how they can be notified every time a post goes up. If you use GFC (Google Friend Connect, the little thing in the right column that says "Join This Site"), it's a great feature. But if you don't use GFC, or you want the new posts to be emailed to you, here's what you can do. On my blog page (which you're already on), scroll down, and in the right column, you'll see this:

Enter your whole email address. For example, I would enter Click "Submit." Next, you'll have to do one of those robot puzzles that look like distorted, misspelled words. 

Finally, click "Complete Subscription Request," and then "Close Window," and you're done! You'll receive all post updates in your email! It's a great way to follow the blog regularly, but you don't have to do any specific searches!

If any of the steps aren't clear, send me an email at and I'll help you out. Happy reading!

In more exciting news, Lissa Yanak and Julie Smith are the winners of the ad space giveaway! I'll be emailing you both shortly, and one of you will get a knit hat. Woo woo!


  1. I always forget that I can subscribe to blogs via email!

  2. I love subsrcibing to blogs via email- it makes it so much easier! Love the spaghetti squash recipe below- my friend was just telling me about that the other day and I couldn't imagine what it would be liek. And HELLO, your house is adorable. It looks so quaint and beautiful. Totally jealous!

    new follower :)

  3. thanks so much again for the ad space.. =) im so excited!! have a fab weekend...


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