Tuesday, August 30, 2011

twenty-third year, begin.

Birthday Tess

Last night Conrad took me to sushi for my birthday. We went to Harney Sushi, and after, we planned to go to the movies to see Conan the Barbarian (Khal Drogo, my sun and stars), but I kind of got sick at the restaurant, so we just drove home and snuggled and watched a movie while Conrad ate all my birthday cookies.

Some of my goals for the new year (my new year, not the New Year) are:

  • Graduate! I got into BYUI's online degree program, which means I can finish school here, but graduate from there. I can also work full time, plus, Church schools are significantly cheaper than most schools.
  • Work more. I won't always be as mobile as I am now (without kids), so I'd like to spend more time making bank and saving money. Or spending it on awesome vacations.
  • Visit 3 new states (at least). In the next year, Conrad and I want to do an East Coast tour and visit friends and family in Georgia (shout out to Wessmans) and North Carolina (shout out to Kirkhams), and at least one more eastern state. Neither of us have spent much, if any, time on the East Coast, and since the dollar is so weak, we figured we'd explore our own country.
  • Visit 3 new countries (at least). We also want to visit Eastern Europe. We're thinking Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Greece? Maybe Turkey? Also, we want to invite friends to join us. We've found that vacations are more fun with more than 2 people. 
  • Get a female for Ninners. He's lonely. And I want to make money by selling his babies.
  • Learn to play a new instrument. Maybe cello. And maybe buy one. I eventually want to have a collection of instruments like my mom. 

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