Monday, January 10, 2011

Chinnie chin chin

As much as i wish this was a post about my five chins, its not. Its about my CHIN-chilla. I bought him for a total deal on Craigslist: $50 for him and all his stuff. Obviously the previous owners weren't aware that chinnies can sell for up to $500....

I love him. I'm accepting name suggestions until I hear one that fits. Also, I don't know if its a boy or girl, so keep that in consideration.

Conrad's recent suggestion: Lupe
Other suggestions I've received tonight: Bolt, Rocko, Beaver, ChiChi


  1. i say either leopold--leo for short, of course. or bruce.
    miss youuuuu!

  2. i had a fish named dante once. and i loved that name. unfortunately the fish didnt live long and i didnt get to enjoy the name for much time.

    i love the chinchis!!


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